Green Room
Welcome to Green Room!
If you need to contact the teachers, please feel free to use their school email addresses.
Mrs Marshall (Monday) -
Mr Hudson-Jones (Tuesday to Friday) -
Week beginning Monday,10th March
In Y1 for Maths we conclude our Place Value block, looking at estimating on a Numberline.
In English, we will be writing an innovated story based on our book 'Stanley's Stick'. For computing, we continue coding, understanding what an 'event' is.
In DT, we design purposeful models - to design a rocket.
In History, we learn about 'Yuri Gagarin' the first human to travel into space.
In Ball Skills we continue throwing and catching and in PE gymnastics - performing different jumps.
In RE we will name objects in a synagogue.
In Science we will focus on seasonal change into Spring.